Powerlifting is a sport that focuses on three main lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. It is a highly challenging yet rewarding sport that requires a lot of dedication and hard work. Powerlifting can be a great way for women to gain confidence and strength and improve their overall fitness. However, Jessica Pfund has some essential dos and don’ts that women should keep in mind when powerlifting.

Do: Focus On Technique
The technique is crucial in powerlifting. When starting, get your form right from the beginning to avoid injuries and get the most out of your lifts. Focus on the basics of each ride, such as keeping a tight core, maintaining proper form, and avoiding any unnecessary movements. Your form should always be good, even when lifting heavier weights. Lifting less weight with good form is better than overloading yourself and risking injury.
Don’t: Compare Yourself To Others
Every woman’s journey into powerlifting is different, and it is essential to remember that progress takes time. Don’t compare yourself to other women in the gym who may have been lifting for longer or started with different levels of strength. Focus on your progress, and don’t let comparisons discourage you. Also, remember that progress is not just about lifting heavier weights but also improving technique and overall fitness.
Do: Incorporate Accessory Work
Accessory work is any additional exercises that will help you improve specific muscles used in powerlifting. This can include activities like pull-ups, chin-ups, rows, and tricep extensions. Accessory work is essential because it will help you build strength in areas that can help you improve your main lifts. Including accessory work in your training plan is critical to help prevent injury and improve overall strength.
Don’t: Overtrain
Powerlifting can be intense, and giving your body enough time to rest and recover is vital. Overtraining can lead to injury and stress on your body. Make sure to schedule rest days into your training plan and take the time to stretch and recover your muscles. Also, it is vital to listen to your body and not push yourself too hard. If you feel any pain or discomfort, it is better to rest and recover than to push through and risk injury.
Do: Focus On Nutrition
Nutrition plays a massive role in powerlifting. Eating a well-balanced diet that includes enough protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support your training is essential. Protein is vital, as it will help repair and grow your muscles. Staying hydrated and avoiding processed foods is crucial, as they can harm your overall health and fitness.
Don’t: Neglect Cardio
While powerlifting is a great way to build strength, it is also essential to incorporate cardio into your training plan. Cardio can help improve your overall fitness and endurance and promote recovery. This can include activities like running, cycling, or swimming. Incorporating cardio into your training plan can also help prevent injury and improve overall performance.
Do: Find A Supportive Community
Powerlifting can be difficult, and finding a supportive community of women who are also passionate about the sport is essential. A supportive community can provide motivation and advice and help you stay on track with your training. This can include finding a gym with a strong powerlifting community or joining online groups or forums. Powerlifting is a journey; having a supportive community can make all the difference.
Don’t: Be Afraid To Lift Heavy
Finally, it is essential to remember that powerlifting is all about lifting heavy. While it is vital to start with lighter weights to focus on form and technique, don’t be afraid to work your way up to lifting heavy weights. As your strength increases, so will the weight you can lift. Just remember to always focus on good form and proper technique and never to overload yourself with a weight that is too heavy.
In conclusion, powerlifting can be an excellent way for women to gain strength and confidence and improve overall fitness. However, it is essential to remember the dos and don’ts of powerlifting for women. This includes focusing on technique, incorporating accessory work and cardio, focusing on nutrition, finding a supportive community, and not being afraid to lift heavy. By following these guidelines, women can improve their strength, fitness, and overall health safely and effectively.